

Kiseljak, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Terms Translated

Nedim1987’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Nedim1987’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)corporate social responsibility (CSR)

A concept whereby companies integrate economic, social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis.

Bosnian (BS)društveno odgovorno poslovanje

Koncep pri kojem kompanije integrišu ekonomske, socialne i društvene probleme u svojim poslovnim poduhvatima i njihovim interakcijama sa njihovim dioničarima na volonterskoj osnovi.

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)advertising research

Research conducted to improve the efficacy of advertising. It may focus on a specific ad or campaign, or may be directed at a more general understanding of how advertising works or how consumers use the information in advertising. It can entail a variety of ...

Bosnian (BS)marketinško istraživanje

Istraživanje provedeno da bi se unaprijedila efikasnost reklamiranja. Može da se fokusira na određenu reklamu ili kampanju ili može biti usmjereno na općenito razumijevanje o tome kako reklamiranje funkcioniše ili kako korisnici koriste informacije u ...

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)advertising allowance

Money provided by a manufacturer to a distributor for the purpose of advertising a specific product or brand. See also,Cooperative advertising.

Bosnian (BS)dopuštenje reklamiranja

Novac dat od strane proizvođača distributeru u svrhu reklamiranja specifičnog proizvoda ili brenda. Također pogledaj i Korporativno oglašavanje.

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)affiliate marketing

Revenue sharing between online advertisers/merchants and online publishers/salespeople, whereby compensation is based on performance measures, typically in the form of sales, clicks, registrations, or a hybrid model.

Bosnian (BS)Udruženi marketing

Dijeljenje prihoda između online oglašivača / proizvođača i online izdavača / prodajnika, pri čemu se kompenzacija bazira na zaslugama, obično u obliku prodaje, klikova, registracija ili hibridnog modela.

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)advertorial

An advertisement that has the appearance of a news article or editorial, in a print publication.

Bosnian (BS)Štampana reklama

Reklama koja izgleda kao novinski članak ili uredak, u štampanim medijima.

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)advertising speciality

A product imprinted with, or otherwise carrying, a logo or promotional message. Also called a promotional product.

Bosnian (BS)Marketinška specijalnost.

Proizvod sa utisnutim natpisom, ili sa logom ili promotivnom porukom. Također nazvan i promotivni proizvod.

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)affiliate

The publisher or salesperson in an associate or affiliate marketing relationship. The affiliate gives wider distribution to the affiliate merchant's products in return for compensation based on performance. The affiliate's source of distribution usually comes ...

Bosnian (BS)udruženi

Izdavač ili prodavač je povezan ili udružen u marektinškoj vezi. Udruženi pruža širu distribuciju proizvodima svog udruženog zauzvrat kompenzaciji po osnovi zasluge. Izvor distribucije udruženom obično dolazi u obliku prometa na web stranici ili liste ...

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)advertising budget

Money set aside by the advertiser to pay for advertising. There are a variety of methods for determining the most desirable size of an advertising budget.

Bosnian (BS)Budžet reklamiranja

Ušteđeni novac onoga koji želi reklamu da bi platio istu. Postoji nekoliko metoda za određivanje najpoželjnije veličine budžeta za reklamu.

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)advertising elasticity

The relationship between a change in advertising budget and the resulting change in product sales.

Bosnian (BS)Elastičnost reklamiranja

Veza između promjene u budžetu reklamiranja i ishodu u prodaji proizvoda.

Marketing; Advertising

English (EN)advertising plan

An outline of what goals an advertising campaign should achieve, how to accomplish those goals, and how to determine whether or not the campaign was successful in obtaining those goals.

Bosnian (BS)marketinški plan

Nacrt ciljeva koje treba postići kampanja reklamiranja, kako da se postignu ti ciljevi i kako da se odredi da li je kampanja bila uspješna u ostvarivanju tih ciljeva.

Marketing; Advertising