


Translate From: English (EN)

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Terms Translated

brankat’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent brankat’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)promotion

That element of the marketing mix which includes all forms of marketing communications .

Croatian (HR)promocija

Element marketinga koji uključuje sve oblike marketinške komunikacije.

Advertising; Marketing communications

English (EN)orthopedist

One who practices the correcting or preventing of deformity.

Croatian (HR)ortoped

Onaj koji se bavi ispravljanjem ili prevencijom deformacije.

Education; SAT vocabulary

English (EN)operetta

A humorous play in dialogue and music, of more than one act.

Croatian (HR)opereta

Humoristično djelo u dijalogu te sa glazbenom podlogom u više činova.

Education; SAT vocabulary

English (EN)matrix

That which contains and gives shape or form to anything.

Croatian (HR)matrica

Ono što sadržava i daje oblik i formu za bilo što.

Education; SAT vocabulary

English (EN)lolly

A type of confectionery consisting mainly of hardened, flavored sucrose with corn syrup mounted on a stick and intended for sucking or licking. They are available in many flavors and shapes.

Croatian (HR)lizalica

Tip slatkiša koji se uglavnom sastoji od saharoze s okusom i kukuruznim sirupom, obično na štapiću s namjerom da se sisa ili liže. Dostupni su u mnogo okusa i oblika.

Candy & confectionary; Lollies

English (EN)agenda

A list, outline or plan of items to be done or considered at an event or during a specific time block. May include time schedule.

Croatian (HR)agenda, planer

Popis, plan stvari koji moraju biti učinjene ili se moraju uzeti za neki događaj ili za neki vremenski period. Može uključivati vremenski raspored.

Convention; Conferences

English (EN)after-school activities

Extra-curricular activities which often take the form of clubs, societies and groups, and form an important addition to the normal school day. The range is very wide and can include music, drama and sports, as well as homework clubs. Teachers play a leading ...

Croatian (HR)Izvannastavne aktivnosti

Dodatne aktivnosti koje obično imaju formu klubova, udruga i grupa, te tako tvore jedan važan dodatak regularnom školskom danu. Ponuda aktivnosti je široka i može uključiti glazbu, dramu, te sportove, a isto tako mogu postojati i klubovi za rješavanje domaćih ...

Education; Schools

English (EN)stimulant

Anything that rouses to activity or to quickened action.

Croatian (HR)stimulans

Bilo što, što može dovesti do aktivnosti ili do ubrzanja neke akcije.

Education; SAT vocabulary

English (EN)antipodes

A place or region on the opposite side of the earth.

Croatian (HR)antipoda

Mjesto ili regija obrnuta strani zemlje.

Education; SAT vocabulary

English (EN)sociolinguistics

A branch of anthropological linguistics that studies how language and culture are related and how language is used in different social contexts.

Croatian (HR)sociolingvistika

Grana antropološke lingvistike koja proučava kako su povezni jezik i kultura i kako se jezik koristi u različitim društvenim kontekstima.

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology