
Cristina Crosby

Buenos Aires, Argentina

Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Spanish, Latin American (XL)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Cristina’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Cristina’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)vertical channel conflict

Discord among members at different levels of a marketing channel, for example manufacturer-wholesaler or wholesaler-retailer discord.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)conflicto vertical

Discordia entre participantes de distintos canales, por ejemplo, entre un fabricante y un mayorista o entre un mayorista y un minorista.

Professional careers; Sales

English (EN)kopi luwak

The most expensive coffee in the world, kopi luwak is made from beans eaten, partly digested and defecated by the Asian Palm Civet, member of the Viverridae family and native to South and Southeast Asia. Celebrated for its unbitter and aromatic flavor, the ...

Spanish, Latin American (XL)kopi luwak

Es el café más caro del mundo. Se hace con granos parcialmente digeridos por la civeta de palmera, especie de la familia de los vivérridos y autóctona del Sur y Sureste de Asia. Reputado por su sabor aromático y dulce, la delicia de este café se atribuye a la ...

Beverages; Coffee

English (EN)dead on arrival (DOA)

A product received by a client that does not function.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)producto inutilizable

Cuando el cliente recibe un producto que no funciona.

Professional careers; Sales

English (EN)inelasticity of demand

Demand which is not greatly affected by a change in the price of the product.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)demanda inelástica

Demanda que no se ve afectada por cambios en los precios de los productos.

Professional careers; Sales

English (EN)derived demand

Demand for raw materials in a producer market which is based on the demand for consumer products, see primary demand.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)demanda derivada

Demanda de materias primas en un mercado productor, que se basa en la demanda de productos de consumo (ver demanda primaria).

Professional careers; Sales

English (EN)sales orchestration

Coordination of events by the sales person to advance the sales process.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)organización de ventas

El vendedor coordina todos los eventos necesarios para llevar a cabo una venta.

Professional careers; Sales

English (EN)fluctuating demand

Demand in the industrial sector which rises and falls sharply in response to changing economic conditions and consumer spending patterns.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)demanda fluctuante

Demanda en el sector industrial; aumenta y disminuye drásticamente en respuesta a las condiciones económicas cambiantes y a los patrones de gasto de los consumidores.

Professional careers; Sales

English (EN)inertia buying

Consumer buying, of unimportant items, which is done frequently and in which the buyer chooses the same brand over and over again without consideration of other brands.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)compra por inercia

Se trata de la compra de artículos sin importancia. Este tipo de compra ocurre con frecuencia y el comprador escoge siempre la misma marca sin tomar en cuenta otras.

Professional careers; Sales

English (EN)early majority

People who adopt a product before the average person, but after the innovators and early adopters.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)mayoría temprana

Son las personas que adoptan un producto antes que el consumidor promedio, pero después que los innovadores y los usuarios de vanguardia.

Business services; Marketing

English (EN)cat poop coffee

Colloquial term for kopi luwak, made from coffee beans which have been through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet and other civets. The coffee is deliciously unbitter, and is widely considered the most expensive in the world.

Spanish, Latin American (XL)café de caca de gato

Es el término coloquial para referirse al kopi luak que se hace con los granos de café digeridos por la civeta de palmera asiática y otras civetas. El café es delicioso y le falta el toque amargo que caracteriza al resto de cafés. En general, se le considera ...

Beverages; Coffee