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Terms Translated

felicij’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent felicij’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)brandy

A liquor distilled from grapes or other fermented fruit juice. Brandies are aged in oak casks for a variety of periods of time. The finest brandies are Cognacs and Armagnacs.

Slovenian (SL)vinjak

Alkoholna pijača, pridobljena iz grozdja ali drugega fermentiranega sadnega soka. Vinjaki se starajo v hrastovih sodih različno dolgo časa. Najboljša vinjaka sta konjak in armagnac.

Beverages; Distilled liquor

English (EN)old testament

The collection of books comprising the sacred scripture of the Hebrews and recording their history as the chosen people.

Slovenian (SL)Stara zaveza

Zbirka knjig, ki obsega Sveto pismo Hebrejcev in zapis njihove zgodovine kot izbrano ljudstvo.

Religion; Christianity

English (EN)inbox

The Facebook mail application. See Messages and Inbox at the Help Center to learn more.

Slovenian (SL)prejeto

Facebookova poštna aplikacija. Če želite izvedeti več, obiščite center za pomoč Sporočila in Prejeto.

Internet; Social media

English (EN)fan

A person who has joined a page because they like what that page represents.

Slovenian (SL)oboževalec

Oseba, ki se je pridružila strani, ker ji je všeč, kaj ta stran predstavlja.

Internet; Social media

English (EN)induction system

The system that delivers the air/fuel mixture to the engine's cylinders.

Slovenian (SL)indukcijski sistem

Sistem, ki dovaja mešanico zraka in goriva do valjev motorja.

Automotive; Automobile

English (EN)limited profile

A profile that allows limited access to it's posts until full permission is granted by the profile holder.

Slovenian (SL)omejen profil

Profil, ki omogoča omejen dostop do it's objav dokler polno dovoljenje imetnika profil.

Internet; Social media

English (EN)delete

One of the most popular searches on Facebook is How do I Delete (... fill in the blank).

Slovenian (SL)izbrisati

Eden izmed najbolj priljubljenih iskanih izrazov na Facebooku je Kako izbrisati (... zapolnite praznino).

Internet; Social media

English (EN)Remee sleep mask

Sleeping mask that aids the wearer in experiencing lucid dreams. The mask was developed by two inventors, Duncan Frazier and Steve McGuigan from Brooklyn, New York. The Remee sleep mask induces lucid dreaming by blinking six red LED lights. The lights glow ...

Slovenian (SL)Remee spalna maska

Nošnja spalne maske pomaga doživljati lucidne sanje. Masko sta razvila izumitelja Duncan Frazier in Steve McGuigan iz Brooklyna v New Yorku. Remee spalna maska sproža lucidne sanje z utripanjem šestih LED lučk. Lučke svetijo in utripajo, ko uporabnik utone v ...

Psychology; Feelings and states

English (EN)membrane

Material that allows some, but not all, of the components in a mixture to pass through it.

Slovenian (SL)membrana

Material, ki omogoča nekaterim sestavinam, vendar ne vsem, da prehajajo skozi njo.

Automotive; Vehicle equipment

English (EN)ozone (O3)

A three-atom form of oxygen; ozone, a criteria air pollutant, is a primary constituent of smog.

Slovenian (SL)ozon

Triatomska oblika kisika; ozon, ki je merilec onesnaženosti zraka, je glavna sestavina smoga.

Automotive; Vehicle equipment