
lily Xiao


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Words Translated


Terms Translated

lily’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent lily’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)basic cable

Cable TV channels that are typically packaged and made available to a wide number of subscribing households. Basic channels usually are advertiser-supported.

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)有线电视


Advertising; Television advertising

English (EN)alternate delivery system (ADS)

The reception of TV programming via satellite (DBS or large dish).

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)备用传输系统(ADS)


Advertising; Television advertising

English (EN)avail (availability)

A break within normal network programming allotted to a local cable system for insertion of local commercials.

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)可用广告时间(可用性)


Advertising; Television advertising

English (EN)ad-supported network

A national or regional TV channel, such as MTV or ESPN, that makes available a certain amount of programming time per hour for local commercials.

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)广告支持的网络


Advertising; Television advertising

English (EN)zigzag

zigazag is to move sporadically, not to move directly or normally

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)蜿蜒

zigazag 是移动断断续续地,不能移动直接或正常

Advertising; Television advertising

English (EN)reply card

A direct response method of promoting a company's product by asking the consumer to answer a few questions, and mail in the card. This can be very helpful in providing a company with information on how to advertise better, or on what products the consumers ...

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)回函卡


Advertising; Print advertising

English (EN)intensity

Also called brightness. The LED industry measures display intensity in candelas per square meter, which is also referred to as nits.

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)强度

也称为亮度。 LED产业以坎德拉/平方米为单位计量显示器亮度,也被称为尼特。

Advertising; Billboard advertising

English (EN)gamma correction

A process used with video images to correct brightness and internal micro-contrast within the image. Gamma correction allows a change of ratio between the brightest red component and weakest red.

Chinese, Simplified (ZS)伽玛校正


Advertising; Billboard advertising