
Nurgül Altınkaya

Istanbul, Turkey

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Translate To: Turkish (TR)


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Terms Translated

Nurgül’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Nurgül’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA)

Model state child support enforcement law under which employers must put into effect a child support withholding order from another state’s child support enforcement agency if the order appears “regular on its face.”

Turkish (TR)Eyaletlerarası Tektip Aile Destek Yasası (ETADY)

İşverenlerin başka bir eyaletin çocuk destek uygulamasına tabi olan Sipariş görünüp görünmediğini işverenler başka devletin nafaka icra ajansı yürürlüğe bir nafaka stopaj sipariş koymak gerekir altında Modeli devlet nafaka icra hukuku "onun ...

Accounting; Payroll

English (EN)liquid

Cash, or asset easily and quickly convertible into cash.

Turkish (TR)likit

Nakit veya kolayca ve hızlı bir şekilde nakde çevrilebilecek varlik

Accounting; Auditing

English (EN)grade

An evaluation (normally by letter on a scale of A-F) of a student's performance on an examination, a paper or in a course.

Turkish (TR)harf notu

Ogrencinin bir sinavdan, odevden ya da dersten aldigi notun (A ile F arasi degerlendirme olcegine gore) harf olarak karsiligi olan not.

Education; Higher education

English (EN)drop-add

A period at the beginning of each term when students are allowed to change their class schedules by dropping or adding courses.

Turkish (TR)ekle sil

Her egitim ogretim doneminin baslarinda yer alan ve ogrencilerin ders ekleme ya da cikarma yoluyla ders programlarini degistirebildikleri perioddur.

Education; Higher education

English (EN)death tax

A tax imposed on the privilege of receiving property by inheritance or legal succession and assessed on the value of the property received.

Turkish (TR)veraset ve intikal vergisi

miras yoluyla ya da aileden devralinan malk ve mulk icin alinaa vergi

Accounting; Tax

English (EN)curve grading

A system of relative grading based on the performance of all members of a class on an examination. It is also called norm-referenced grading.

Turkish (TR)Can egrisi

Siniftaki tum ogrencilerin bir sinavdaki performanslarina dayali olarak notlarin verildigi degerlendirme sistemi Ayrıca norm-referanslı notlandirma da denir.

Education; Higher education

English (EN)gymnasium

The building which houses the sports facilities on a campus.

Turkish (TR)Spor tesisi

Bir kampüs icerisinde yer alan spor faaliyetlerinin yapildigi bina

Education; Higher education

English (EN)attribute

Ascribe, explain. Example: I attribute her success in science to the encouragement she received from her parents.

Turkish (TR)atfetmek

birseye baglamak, aciklamak. ornek: Onun bilimdeki basarisini ebeveynlerinin onu surekli tesvik etmelerine bagliyorum.

Education; SAT vocabulary

English (EN)lieu days

Working days given as off-days, to compensate for unpaid overtime.

Turkish (TR)fazla mesai karsiligi alinan izin gunleri

Odenmeyen fazla mesai ucretini telafi etmek için is gunlerinde izin kullandirma

Accounting; Auditing

English (EN)internship

Supervised professional training designed to allow students to apply previously acquired skills and knowledge to practical situations. Internships can be done as part of a course, during vacation or after graduation.

Turkish (TR)stajyerlik

Öğrencilerin derslerde edindikleri bilgi ve becerileri uygulamaya koymalarina imkan taniyan danismanlarin denetiminde gerceklesen egitim ogretim faaliyeti Stajlar tatil sırasında ya da mezun olduktan sonra, bir dersin bir parçası olarak yapılabilir.

Education; Higher education