
Ramona Vlai

Timisoara, Romania

Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Romanian (RO)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Ramona’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Ramona’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)v-neck

The neckline dips down in the front, and on occasions the back as well, in a V-shape. This design usually de emphasizes the bust, and so would better suit brides who have B or C cups, and it would not flatter the larger, or even flat chested bride at all.

Romanian (RO)guler in V

Rascroiala coboara in partea din fata, si uneori si in partea din spate, in forma de V. De obicei, acest design subliniaza forma bustului, de aceea se potriveste mai bine mireselor care au cupa B sau C, dar nu avantajeaza deloc miresele cu bust voluminos sau ...

Weddings; Wedding gowns

English (EN)undertrimmed

Trimmed to a size smaller than the specified trim size.

Romanian (RO)sub-redus

Redus la o dimensiune mai mica decat cea specificata.

Printing & publishing; Paper

English (EN)diffuser

A Diffuser is an adapter you put on the end of your hair dryer; it’s generally circular with a number of pins sticking out from it. The diffuser spreads out the air flow from your hair dryer so you don’t get the full force of the air, meaning a gentler drying ...

Romanian (RO)difuzor de aer

Un difuzor de aer este un adaptor atasat la uscatorul de par; in general, are o forma ciculara din care ies un numar de bolduri. Difuzorul imprastie debitul de aer de la uscator astfel incat parul este ferit de forta intreaga a aerului, ceea ce duce la un ...

Consumer services; Hair salons

English (EN)Interference

Disruptions that affect or stop a message from traveling to the receiver from the sender.

Romanian (RO)interferenta

Intreruperi care afecteaza sau opresc calatoria unui mesaj de la expeditor la destinatar.


English (EN)Latency

Latency is a measure of time delay in a computer or other systems.

Romanian (RO)latenta

Intarzierea care are loc in momentul trimiterii unei informatii de la transmitator la destinatar.

Computer; Laptops

English (EN)detached train

Joined to the gown with hooks and eyes or velcro.  Usually full at top.

Romanian (RO)trena detasabila

Se ataseaza la rochie prin sistemul mos si baba sau prin scai. De obicei, este bufanta in partea de sus.

Weddings; Wedding gowns

English (EN)afterload

the tension produced by the heart muscle after contraction.

Romanian (RO)post-incarcare

Tensiunea produsa de muschiul inimii dupa o contractie.


English (EN)strapless

The strapless neckline is generally a popular choice for brides who have a large bust, and brides who have nice shoulders and collarbones.

Romanian (RO)fara bretele

Rascroiala fara bretele este o alegere preferata de miresele cu bust voluminos si de cele care au umeri si clavicule frumoase.

Weddings; Wedding gowns

English (EN)tardive

marked by lateness, late; said of a disease in which the characteristic lesion is late in appearing.

Romanian (RO)tardiv

Caracterizat de întârziere, cu întârziere; caracteristic unei boli in care leziunea principala apare cu întârziere.


English (EN)scoop

The scoop is a U-shaped neckline, and is universally flattering, and so is good for just about anyone, big or small.

Romanian (RO)rascroiala tip lingurita

Rascroiala tip lingurita este o rascoiala in forma de U si avantajeaza orice tip de persoana, plinuta sau slaba.

Weddings; Wedding gowns