
Young Nam Choi

Albion - OK, United States

Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Korean (KO)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Young’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Young’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)norm referencing

Assessment based on a comparison of raw scores from a given assignment; opposed to criterion referencing.

Korean (KO)표준 참조

주어진 과제를 원점수를 비교하여 평가방법; 목표 지향과 상반된 개념

Education; Teaching

English (EN)strategic learning

Learning methodology in which learners adapt their learning style to fit the needs of the assigned task.

Korean (KO)전략 학습

주어진 과제를 풀기 위해 학습자의 학습 스타일을 적용하여 고안한 학습 방법

Education; Teaching

English (EN)redeemable failure

Situation in which a student does not meet the necessary level but is still allowed to move to the next level.

Korean (KO)회복 가능한 낙제

학생이 필요 수준에 미치진 못하지만 다음 수준으로 등급할수 있는 상황

Education; Teaching

English (EN)yinyang

represents the ancient Chinese understanding of how things work

Korean (KO)음양

고대 중국인들의 사물의 이치에 대한 이해를 표명


English (EN)mission statement

Statement articulation the primary aims of a group or institution.

Korean (KO)사명

집단 또는 기관의 주요 목표를 구체적으로 밝힌 문구

Education; Teaching

English (EN)open learning

Learning environment that has no formal requirements for admission. See also flexible learning.

Korean (KO)열린 학습

입학에 대한 공식적인 요구 사항이 없는 학습 환경. 또한 유연한 학습을​​ 참조하십시오.

Education; Teaching

English (EN)dean

An administrative officer in charge of a college, faculty or division in a university.

Korean (KO)학장

대학내 단대, 교수 또는 분과에서 행정 업무를 맡은 임원

Culture; People

English (EN)work load

The amount of work assigned to a person during a specific time period.

Korean (KO)업무량

일정 시간동안 한사람이 해야하는 업무량

Education; Teaching

English (EN)word wall

A selected collection of words posted on a wall that is arranged in lists or groups to facilitate students familiarity with common sight words.

Korean (KO)단어 벽

학생들이 기초단어에 친숙해지도록 단어들을 목록이나 그룹지어 한쪽 벽에 붙여 놓은 단어집

Education; Teaching

English (EN)work placement

Placing students in specific jobs or positions of employment to gain work-related knowledge, experience and skills outside traditional institutions of education.

Korean (KO)작업 배치

일 관련 지식이나 기술 습득을 위해 학생을 전통 교육기관 밖의 특정 직업이나 고용장에 배치하는 것

Education; Teaching