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ClaudiaCoja’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent ClaudiaCoja’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)Martin Scorsese

Born November 17, 1942. An American film director, screenwriter, producer, actor, and film historian. His body of work deals with themes such as Italian-American identity, Roman Catholic concepts of guilt and redemption, machismo, and violence. Scorsese is ...

Romanian (RO)Martin Scorsese

N. 17 noiembrie 1942. Un regizor American de film, scenarist, producător, actor şi istoric de film. Corpul său de lucru se ocupă cu teme precum identitatea italiano-American, conceptele romano-catolic de vinovăţie şi răscumpărarea, machismul, şi violenţă. ...

People; Directors

English (EN)expressiveness

A term used by Parsons and Bales to refer to concern for maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family.

Romanian (RO)expresivitate

A term used by Parsons and Bales to refer to concern for maintenance of harmony and the internal emotional affairs of the family.

Sociology; General sociology

English (EN)enthalpy of solution

The heat absorbed or released when a solute is dissolved in a solvent . The heat of solution depends on the nature of the solute and on its concentration in the final solution .

Romanian (RO)entalpie de soluţie

Căldura absorbită sau atunci când un solute este dizolvat în solvent. Căldură de soluţie depinde de natura soluţiei şi concentraţia acesteia în soluţia finală.

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)exchange

The distribution of goods and services among members of a society.

Romanian (RO)schimb

Distribuţia bunurilor şi serviciilor între membrii societăţii.

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

English (EN)toxicology

The study of poisons, including identification, isolation, biological effects, mechanism of action, and development of antidotes.

Romanian (RO)toxicologie

Studiul otrăvuri, inclusiv identificarea, izolarea, efectele biologice, mecanismul de acţiune, şi dezvoltarea de antidoturi.

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)axis

The imaginary line about which a planet or other object rotates.

Romanian (RO)axă

Linia imaginară, despre care se roteşte o planeta sau alt obiect.

Physics; General physics

English (EN)stoichiometry

The art of figuring how much stuff you'll make in a chemical reaction from the amount of each reagent you start with.

Romanian (RO)stoichiometrie

The study of the relationships between amounts of products and reactants.

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)proctocolectomy

An operation to remove the colon and rectum.

Romanian (RO)proctocolectomie

O operațiune pentru a elimina colon şi rect.

Medical; Gastroenterology

English (EN)functionalist perspective

A sociological approach that emphasizes the way that parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability.

Romanian (RO)perspectivă funcţionalistă

O abordare sociologică, care pune accentul pe calea ca părţi ale unei societăţi sunt structurate pentru a menţine stabilitatea acesteia.

Sociology; General sociology

English (EN)proton

One of the constituents of atoms. Along with the neutron, the proton can be found in the nuclei (centers) or atoms. Protons have a positive electric charge, and are composed of two up quarks and a down quark.

Romanian (RO)proton

Unul dintre elementele constitutive de atomi. Împreună cu neutroni, protoni pot fi găsite în nuclee (Centre) sau atomi. Protonii au o sarcină electrică pozitivă, şi sunt compuse din două quarkuri up și un quark jos.

Physics; Particle physics