


Translate From: English (EN)

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Terms Translated

ClaudiaCoja’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent ClaudiaCoja’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)veto

To reject or refuse to sign a bill from Congress. This is the check that the president has on the powers of the legislative branch of government.

Romanian (RO)veto

Pentru a respinge sau de a refuza să semneze un proiect de lege, la Congres. Acest lucru este de a verifica că preşedintele are puteri de ramura legislativă a guvernului.

Government; U.S. Constitution

English (EN)temperature

Temperature is an intensive property associated with the hotness or coldness of an object. It determines the direction of spontaneous heat flow (always from hot to cold).

Romanian (RO)temperatură

Temperatura este o proprietate intensiv asociate cu hotness sau răceala unui obiect. Ea determină direcţia spontane fluxului de căldură (întotdeauna la cald la rece).

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

A hormone produced by the anterior pituitary that stimulates the adrenal cortex to release several hormones including cortisol.

Romanian (RO)hormon adenocorticotropic

Un hormon produs de hipofiza anterioara, care stimulează Cortexul suprarenal pentru a elibera mai multe hormoni, inclusiv cortizol.

Biology; General

English (EN)business card

An electronic equivalent to a printed business card containing information about a contact. In wireless communications, a business card can be stored to the phone memory and sent as a special short message. The received business card can be stored in the ...

Romanian (RO)carte de vizită

Electronice echivalent pentru o carte tipărită care conţine informaţii despre o persoană de contact. În comunicaţii wireless, o carte de vizită pot fi stocate în memoria telefonului şi trimis ca un mesaj scurt speciale. Cartea de vizită primite pot fi stocate ...

Mobile communications; Mobile phones

English (EN)edema

A localized or systemic condition in which the body tissues contain an excessive amount of fluid. Systemic edema can be as mild as premenstrual water retention (I mean mild by comparison) or involve loss of blood proteins or kidney and heart failures. Local ...

Romanian (RO)edem

O condiţie localizate sau sistemice în care ţesuturile organismului conţin o cantitate excesivă de fluide. Edem sistemice pot fi fel de uşoară ca retenţie de apă premenstrual (adica uşoară de comparaţie) sau implica pierderea de proteine sange sau rinichi si ...

Medical; Herbal medicine

English (EN)sympathetic

1 : existing or operating through an affinity, interdependence, or mutual association 2 a : appropriate to one's mood, inclinations, or disposition b : marked by kindly or pleased appreciation 3 : given to, marked by, or arising from sympathy, compassion, ...

Romanian (RO)simpatetic

1 : existing or operating through an affinity, interdependence, or mutual association 2 a : appropriate to one's mood, inclinations, or disposition b : marked by kindly or pleased appreciation 3 : given to, marked by, or arising from sympathy, compassion, ...

Miscellaneous; Others

English (EN)radioactivity

Spontaneous emission of particles or energy from an atomic nucleus as it disintegrates.

Romanian (RO)radioactivitate

Spontaneous emission of particles or energy from an atomic nucleus as it disintegrates.

Physics; General physics

English (EN)maximum value

The Y-coordinate of the vertex of the graph of a quadratic function that opens downward.

Romanian (RO)valoare maximă

Coordonata Y de nod a graficului de o funcţie pătratic care se deschide in jos.

Mathematics; Algebra

English (EN)biomarker (biochemistry marker)

A biological molecule found in blood, other body fluids, or tissues that is a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease. A biomarker may be used to see how well the body responds to a treatment for a disease or condition. Also called ...

Romanian (RO)biomarker (marker biochimic)

O moleculă biologice găsite în sânge, alte fluide corporale sau tesuturi care este un semn de un proces normal sau anormal, sau de o condiţie sau o boală. Un biomarker pot fi folosite pentru a vedea cât de bine organismul răspunde la un tratament pentru o ...

Medical devices; Cardiac supplies

English (EN)dominant

Only one copy of a gene is necessary for a trait to be exhibited. At least one of the parents would also exhibit this same trait.

Romanian (RO)dominantă

Doar o copie a unei gene este necesar pentru o trăsătură a fi expuse. Cel puţin unul dintre părinţi ar expune, de asemenea, această trăsătură acelaşi.

Veterinary health; Veterinary care