

A Coruña, Spain

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Terms Translated

DiegoDGarcia’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent DiegoDGarcia’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)crop rotation

Practice of growing different crops in succession on the same land.

Galician (GL)rotación de cultivos

Práctica agrícola que consiste en alternar diferentes sementes nun mesmo lugar durante distintos ciclos.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)carcinogen

Agent that can cause or aggravate cancer, including chemicals, radiation and viruses.

Galician (GL)canceríxeno

Axente que pode producir ou agrava-lo cancro como por exemplo os químicos, as radiacións ou os virus.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)hybrid

Organism resulting from a cross between two unlike plants or animals.

Galician (GL)híbrido

Organismo que procede do cruce entre dúas especies ou variedades diferentes.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)biogas

Mixture of methane and carbon dioxide in the ratio of 7.

Galician (GL)biogás

Gas combustible constituído por unha mestura de metano e dióxido de carbono, que se produce como consecuencia da fermentación, controlada ou non, da biomasa.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)curie

Quantitative measure of radioactivity equal to 3.7 x 1010 disintegrations per second.

Galician (GL)curie

Unidade de medida da radioactividade dunha substancia que é igual a 37.000 milions de becquerels.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)captive breeding

The propagation or preservation of animals outside their natural habitat (see ex-situ conservation), involving control by humans of the animals chosen to constitute a population and of mating choices within that population.

Galician (GL)cría en catividade

Reprodución ou conservación de animais fóra do seu hábitat natural (véxase conservación ex situ) que implica un control por parte dos humanos dos animais seleccionados para construír unha poboación e das parellas sexuais dentro da poboación.

Environment; Biodiversity

English (EN)Azerbaijan

Located in the Caucasus region, Azerbaijan is a former Soviet republic that gained its independence in 1991, and has been flourishing ever since the 19th century due to an unprecedented oil boom. The country borders Russia to the north, the Caspian Sea to the ...

Galician (GL)Azerbaidján

Sito na rexión do Cáucaso, Azerbaidján é unha antiga república soviética que logrou a independencia no 1991 e que leva medrando dende o século XIX grazas a unha proliferación sen precedentos da explotación do petróleo. O país limita ó norte con Rusia, o mar ...

Geography; Countries & Territories

English (EN)conifers

Trees that have needlelike leaves and typically bear cones, for example, pine and spruce.

Galician (GL)coníferas

Clase de plantas arbóreas coas follas aciculares e ramas e froitos en cono como a piñeiro.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)Bahamas

Consisting of 29 islands, The Bahamas is a Commonwealth nation located in the Atlantic Ocean, southeast of the United States and north of Cuba. The islands have a total population of around 330,000, most of whom are predominantly of African origin. The ...

Galician (GL)Bahamas

Composta por 29 illas, a Commonwealth das Bahamas é un país sito no océano Atlántico, ó suroeste dos Estados Unidos e ó norte de Cuba. As illas contan cunha poboación total de 330 000 habitantes, na súa marioría de orixe africana. O país presenta o terceiro ...

Geography; Countries & Territories

English (EN)astroturf

an artificial surface used instead of grass on many football fields.

Galician (GL)céspede artificial

Superficie artificial fabricada con plástico e outros materiais sintéticos que se asemella ó céspede natural e que se emprega en moitos campos de fútbol.

Sports; Football