

A Coruña, Spain

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DiegoDGarcia’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent DiegoDGarcia’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)Antarctica

Antarctica is the world's 5th largest continent with an area of 14.0 million km2, and is considered the coldest and driest of the seven continents. Located at the Earth's southernmost point, 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice, and the temperature can reach ...

Galician (GL)Antártida

Antártida é quinto maior continente da Terra cunha área de 14 millóns de km2 e é o máis frío e máis seco dos sete continentes. Atópase no punto máis meridional da Terra. O 98% da Antártida está cuberto de xeo e a temperatura pode chegar ata os -89º Celsius. ...

Geography; Countries & Territories

English (EN)Eritrea

Eritrea is a country in the Horn of Africa. The capital is Asmara. It is bordered by Sudan in the west, Ethiopia in the south, and Djibouti in the southeast. It's a country of 5,824,000 people.

Galician (GL)Eritrea

Eritrea é un país do corno de África. A capital é Asmara. Limita ó oeste con Sudán, ó sur con Etiopía e ó sudeste con Djibuti. Ten unha poboación de 5 824 000 habitantes.

Geography; Countries & Territories

English (EN)haze

State of atmospheric obscurity due to the presence of fine dust particles in suspension.

Galician (GL)bruma

Estado de escuridade atomosférica debido á presenza de pequenas partículas de po en suspensión.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)Bulgaria

The Republic of Bulgaria is a country in Southeast Europe that currently ranks as the 15th largest country in Europe, and is considered to be the birthplace of the Cyrillic alphabet. Before gaining its independence, the country was under the Ottoman Empire ...

Galician (GL)Bulgaria

A República de Bulgaria é un país do sudeste de Europa. É o decimoquinto país europeo en extensión e é o berce do alfabeto cirílico. Antes de independizarse, Bulgaria formou parte do Imperio Otomano durante 500 anos e logo pasou a estar controlada pola Unión ...

Geography; Countries & Territories

English (EN)astroturf

an artificial surface used instead of grass on many football fields.

Galician (GL)céspede artificial

Superficie artificial fabricada con plástico e outros materiais sintéticos que se asemella ó céspede natural e que se emprega en moitos campos de fútbol.

Sports; Football

English (EN)river basin

Total land area drained by a river and its tributaries.

Galician (GL)conca fluvial

Porción de territorio drenada por un río e os seus afluentes.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)canopy

Branches and leaves of woody plants that are developed some distance above the ground.

Galician (GL)dosel arbóreo

Rexión superior das árbores na que se atopan as pólas e as follas que medran a unha grande altura do chan.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)humus

Organic constituent of soil made up of decomposing plant and animal substances.

Galician (GL)humus

Material térreo de cor escura que se atopa nos niveis superiores do solo e que está composto de residuos orgánicos, máis ou menos degradados, e doutras substancias de carácter inorgánico.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)carcinogen

Agent that can cause or aggravate cancer, including chemicals, radiation and viruses.

Galician (GL)canceríxeno

Axente que pode producir ou agrava-lo cancro como por exemplo os químicos, as radiacións ou os virus.

Environment; Environment statistics

English (EN)Andorra

The Principality of Andorra is a small landlocked country in southwestern Europe and bordered by Spain and France. Andorra is considered the sixth smallest country in Europe, and has a population of approximately 83,888 (2009). The capital is Andorra la ...

Galician (GL)Andorra

O Principado de Andorra é un pequeno país sen acceso ó mar que se atopa no suroeste de Europa entre España e Francia. Andorra é o sexto país máis pequeno de Europa e conta cunha poboación aproximada dun 83 888 habitantes (2009). A capital é Andorra la Vella e ...

Geography; Countries & Territories