
Omar omargarane

Eastleigh, Kenya

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Omar’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Omar’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)Avaaz.org

A global web movement and civic organization, whose stated intention is to “bring people-powered politics to decision-making everywhere”. The organization promotes activism for issues including human rights, climate change and corruption. It has over nine ...

Somali (SO)Avaaz.org

Waa shbakada dhaqaqa aduunka iyo ururada bulshada kuwaaso go'aankooda yahay si ay isku keenan dadka siyaasada ku le awooda go'aa garasyash meel kasta. ururka waxa uu hormariya hawlaha iyo arrimaha ay ku jirto xuquuqda bani'adamka, isbeddelka cilmada iyo ...

Non-profit organizations; Advocacy

English (EN)joint custody

An arrangement where parents share custody of a child, be it legal, physical or both.

Somali (SO)Maasu'uuliyada

Waa diyaarinta halkaaso oo waalidka ay ku wada wadaagayaan maa'uuliyada cunuugooda, ha nooqoto sharci ama labaduba.

Personal life; Divorce

English (EN)grave

An excavation in the earth for the purpose of burying the deceased.

Somali (SO)qabri

kabixista dhulka ujeedada ee aasitaanka marxuumka.

Personal life; Funeral

English (EN)funeral pall

A large, white or purple cloth that covers a closed casket during the funeral service. The use of a pall symbolizes that there is no distinction between persons at death.

Somali (SO)tacsiyadda aan nurin

Maro gaduudan ama caad taaso oo daboosha sanduuqa xiran inta lagu dad jiro adeega tacsiyaadda. isticmaalka astaanta aan nuraynin ma jiraaan kala duwaansho u dhaxeysa shaqsiga geeriyoday.

Personal life; Funeral

English (EN)ethnic cleansing

The deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group, also known as Genocide

Somali (SO)isir sifeen

Si ula kac ah iyo nidaamka bururinta ee jinsiyada,siyaasada, ama koox dhaqan sidoo kale waxa loo yaqana isir sifeen.

Politics; U.S. politics

English (EN)pallbearers

Individuals whose duty is to carry the casket when necessary during funeral service. Pallbearers in some sections of the country are hired and in other sections are close friends and relatives of the deceased. (Also see Funeral Pall).

Somali (SO)naxashka

Shaqsiyaadka ay waajibkooda tahay qaadista naxashaka marka ay laga mamarmaanka inta lagu jiro adeega tacsiyadda. Naxashayada meelo qaarkood waa la soo kireestaa ee wadanka qaybaha kala n waa asxaabta iyo qaraabada marxuumka. (sido kale arga naxashka ...

Personal life; Funeral

English (EN)civil liberties

Areas of personal freedom with which governments are constrained from interfering.

Somali (SO)Madaxbaninda shacabka.

Meelaha xooriyada ee shakhsiyaadka taaso oo ay dowladdaha ee diriqiga laga bilaabo faragalinta.

Government; American government

English (EN)blow-back

The threat of American-made weapons being turned against American troops

Somali (SO)Blow-back

Hanjabaada hubka ay Maraykanga ay sameeyeen kadibna ay iyaaga kula dagaalamo ciidanka Maraykanaga.

Politics; U.S. politics

English (EN)morgue

A place to where bodies found dead are removed and exposed pending identification by relatives.

Somali (SO)meeydak

Meel halkaaso laga soo saaro meeydadka la helay iyo aqoosiga ku sheegista qarabadda.

Personal life; Funeral

English (EN)miasma

Noxious vapors from decomposing organic matter polluting the atmosphere; foreboding, unwholesome or oppressive atmosphere. Miasma is also related to the ''miasma theory'', which prevailed during the Middle Ages, up to the mid-1800s. The ''miasma theory'' ...

Somali (SO)Miyasma

Baal uumi oo ka timada arrinta orgaanika wasakhaynsa dhul isku xiraha, iishaan,fikiro ama cadaadiiska dhul isku xiraha. Miyasna sido kale waxay la xirxirta "aragtida miyasmas: taasoo oo ka adkaatay intii lagu guda jiray da'dhexe. Arinta miyasma waxay ...

Environment; Pollution