
Iris Gjymshana

Tirana, Albania

Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Albanian (SQ)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Iris’ Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Iris’ contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)psychological profiling

The attempt to categorize, understand, and predict, the behavior of certain types of offenders based upon behavioral clues they provide.

Albanian (SQ)profil psikologjik

Perpjekja per te kategorizuar, kuptuar, dhe parashikuar, sjelljen e disa lloj shkelesish bazuar ne te dhenat e sjelljes qe ata sigurojne.

Sociology; Criminology

English (EN)dangerousness

The likelihood that a given individual will later harm society or others. Dangerousness is often measured in terms of recidivism, or as the likelihood of additional crime commission within a five year period following arrest or release from confinement.

Albanian (SQ)rrezikshmeri

Mundesia qe nje individ i caktuar, me vone te demtoje shoqerine ose te tjeret. Rrezikshmeria shpesh matet me mundesine per perseritje, ose is mundesine e kryerje se krimeve te tjera brenda nje periudhe prej pese vjetesh mbas arrestimit ose lirimit nga ...

Sociology; Criminology

English (EN)total institutions

Facilities from which individuals can rarely come and go, and in which communal life is intense and circumscribed. Individuals in total institutions tend to eat, sleep, play, learn, and worship (if at all) together.

Albanian (SQ)institucione te plota

Ndertesa prej te cilave individet rrale mund te vijne ose te largohen, dhe ku jeta ne bashkesi eshte intensive dhe e kufizuar. Individet ne insitucionet e plota priren te hane, flene,lujane, mesojne dhe adhurojne (nese eshte e nevojshme) sebashku.

Sociology; Criminology

English (EN)father

God, the first Person of the Blessed Trinity. Jesus revealed that God is Father in a unique way: not only as Creator, the origin of all things, but also as eternal Father in his relationship to his only Son, who is eternally begotten of the Father and ...

Albanian (SQ)At

Perendia, Personi i pare i Trinitetit te Bekuar. Jezusi zbuloi se Perendia eshte Ati ne nje menyre unike: jo vetem si krijuesi, origjina e te gjitha gjerave por edhe si At i perjetshem ne marrdhenien me Birin e tij te vetem, qe eshte perjetesisht i ...

Religion; Catholic church

English (EN)product catalog

A compilation of all products that are available for sale.

Albanian (SQ)katalog produktesh

Nje permbledhje e te gjitha produkteve qe jane ne dispozicion per shitje.

Computer; Operating systems

English (EN)capital punishment

The legal imposition of a sentence of death upon a convicted offender. Another term for the death penalty.

Albanian (SQ)denim kapital

Detyrim ligjor i nje vendimi me vdekje mbi nje shkeles te denuar. Nje term tjeter per denimin me vdekje.

Sociology; Criminology

English (EN)social-structural theories

Explain crime by reference to various aspects of the social fabric. They emphasize relationships between social institutions, and describe the types of behavior which tend to characterize groups of people as opposed to individuals.

Albanian (SQ)teorite socio-strukturore

Shpegojne krimin duke iu referuar aspekteve te ndryshme te materialit shoqeror. Ato theksojne marrdheniet midis instituteve shoqerore, dhe shpegojne llojet e sjelljes qe priren te karakterizojne grupet e njerezve ne vend te individeve

Sociology; Criminology

English (EN)sublimation

The psychological process whereby one aspect of consciousness comes to be symbolically substituted for another.

Albanian (SQ)sublimim

Procesi psikologjik me ane te se cilit nje aspekt i ndergjegjes arrin te behet simbolikisht zevendesues per nje tjeter.

Sociology; Criminology

English (EN)qualitative methods

Research techniques which produce results which are difficult to quantify.

Albanian (SQ)metoda cilesore

Teknika kerkimore qe prodhojne rezultate te cilat eshte veshtire te llogariten nga ana sasiore.

Sociology; Criminology

English (EN)category axis

A chart axis that represents the category for each data point. It displays arbitrary text values like Qtr1, Qtr2, and Qtr3; it cannot display scaled numerical values.

Albanian (SQ)bosht kategorie

Nje bosht grafiku qe paraqet nje kategori per cdo pike te dhenash. Paraqet vlera tekstesh arbitrare si Qtr1, Qtr2, dhe Qtr3; nuk mund te paraqesi vlera te shkallezuara numerike.

Software; Accounting software