
Ivan Andrijasevic

Belgrade, Serbia

Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Serbian (SR)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Ivan’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Ivan’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)semantic prosody

The positive or negative connotation which is transferred to a word by the semantic fields of its common collocates (see collocation). See componential analysis, contrastive analysis, disambiguation.

Serbian (SR)semantička prozodija

Pozitivna ili negativna konotacija koja se prenosi na reč preko semantičkog polja čestih kolokata (videti: kolokacija). Još videti i: analiza komponenata, kontrastivna analiza, raspodela.

Language; Translation

English (EN)consolation match

a tournament game played between the losers of the 2 semifinal matches to determine the third-place team.

Serbian (SR)utešni meč

utakmica na turniru između dve ekipe koje su izgubile polufinalne mečeve kako bi se utvrdio trećeplasirani tim.

Sports; Soccer

English (EN)sudden death

a type of overtime where the first goal scored by a team ends the game and gives that team the victory; most overtime in soccer is not sudden death.

Serbian (SR)zlatni gol

vrsta produžetaka gde prvi postignut pogodak označava kraj meča i donosi pobedu ekipi koji ga postigne; u većini produžetaka u fudbalu ne važi pravilo "zlatnog gola".

Sports; Soccer

English (EN)cut down the angle

when the goalie comes out of the goal several feet to make himself closer and larger to an attacker, leaving the attacker less net to shoot at.

Serbian (SR)skratiti ugao

kada golman izlazi od gola nekoliko koraka kako bi se približio napadaču i smanjio mogućnost pogađanja mreže.

Sports; Soccer

English (EN)penalty arc

a circular arc whose center is the penalty spot and extends from the top of the penalty area; designates an area that opposing players are not allowed to enter prior to a penalty kick.

Serbian (SR)kazneni luk

luk čiji je centar na beloj tački i koji produžava vrh kaznenog prostora; to je prostor u koji protivnički igrači ne smeju da uđu pre izvođenja penala.

Sports; Soccer

English (EN)knock on wood

Knuckle tapping on wood in order to avoid some bad luck.

Serbian (SR)kucnuti u drvo

Kucanje u drvenu površinu kako bi se odagnala nesreća.

Language; Idioms

English (EN)props

Articles used by the performers to enhance the plot, i.e., handkerchiefs (Othello), bottles of wine (L’elisir d’amore), swords (La Forza del Destino), letters (Eugene Onegin).

Serbian (SR)rekviziti

Predmeti koje protagonisti koriste da bi unapredili zaplet, na primer, maramice (Otelo), boce vina (Eliksir ljubavi), mačevi (Moć sudbine), pisma (Evgenije Onjegin).

Drama; Opera

English (EN)blackout

The complete interrupting of load to an electric utility customer or group of customers to reduce overall load on the system.

Serbian (SR)nestanak struje

Potpuni prekid snabdevanja električnom energijom mušterije ili grupe mušterija kako bi se smanjilo ukupno opterećenje na sistem.

Electrical equipment; Electricity

English (EN)componential analysis

Breaking down lexical items into their basic meaning components.

Serbian (SR)analiza komponenata

Razbijanje leksičkih stavki na osnovne značenjske komponente.

Language; Translation

English (EN)reading-like behavior

A developmental behavior observed in young children who are not yet reading. Children imitate reading a story they have heard many times. They recreate the text from memory or with the help of the illustrations. They turn the pages, but not necessarily to ...

Serbian (SR)imitacija čitanja

Ponašanje u toku razvoja čitanja kod dece u mlađem uzrastu koja još uvek ne znaju da čitaju. Deca imitiraju čitanje priče koju su čuli mnogo puta. Ona rekonstruišu tekst po sećanju pomoću ilustracija. Ona okreću strane, ali to ne mora nužno odgovarati rečima, ...

Language; General language