
Ivan Andrijasevic

Belgrade, Serbia

Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Serbian (SR)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Ivan’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Ivan’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)nominalization

The condensed reformulation of a verbal process and the various participants involved as a noun phrase. This is an important grammatical resource for the expression of ideology. For example, by saying ‘the net inflow is . . .’, a government spokesperson could ...

Serbian (SR)nominalizacija

Koncentrisana promena formulacije verbalnog procesa i raznih učesnika koji su učljučeni u imeničku sintagmu. Važan je gramatički resurs za izražavanje ideja. Na primer, govorenjem "neto priliv je...", državni činovnik može izbeći da kaže "postoje veliki ...

Language; Translation

English (EN)caution

This is also called yellow card/booking; shown by the referee to a player who commits a cautionable offence. If a player commits two cautionable offences in a match, they are shown a second yellow card, followed by a red card, and is sent off.

Serbian (SR)zvanično upozorenje

takođe se zove i žuti karton; sudija ga pokazuje igraču koji načini kažnjivi prekršaj. Ukoliko igrač načini dva kažnjiva prekršaja na jednoj utakmici, pokazuje mu se i drugi žuti karton, kao i crveni karton, što znači da je isključen iz igre.

Sports; Soccer

English (EN)breadcrumbs

Breadcrumbs are a type of web navigation where current location within the website is indicated by a list of pages above the current page in the hierarchy, up to the main page. It not only shows users where they are currently located in the site's ...

Serbian (SR)prezle

Prezle (breadcrumbs) su vrsta veb-navigacije gde se trenutna lokacija na veb-sajtu prikazuje na listi strana iznad trenutne strane u hijerarhiji, sve do glavne strane. Ne prikazuju se samo korisnici tamo gde se nalaze na arhitekturi sajta, već im to takođe ...

IT services; Web design

English (EN)electrolyte

Chemical compound that conducts electricity from one electrode to the other inside a fuel cell.

Serbian (SR)електролит

Хемијско једињење које проводи електрицитет из једне електроде на другу унутар горивне ћелије.

Automotive; Vehicle equipment

English (EN)Prague school

This influential structuralist and functionalist group of linguists/semioticians was established in 1926 in Prague by Czech and Russian linguists, although the term 'Prague school' was not used until 1932. Principal members of this group included: Vilem ...

Serbian (SR)Praška škola

Ovu uticajnu strukturalističku i fukcionalističku grupu lingvistu osnovali su 1926. godine u Pragu češki i ruski lingvisti, iako je termin "Praška škola" upotrebljen tek 1932. godine. Naistaknutiji članovi ove grupe su: Viljem Matesijus (1882-1946), Bohuslav ...

Language; General language

English (EN)Black Friday

The Friday after Thanksgiving, and the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season. The day's name originated in Philadelphia, where it originally was used to describe the heavy and disruptive pedestrian and vehicle traffic which would occur on the day ...

Serbian (SR)Crni petak

Petak nakon Dana zahvalnosti, nezvanični početak praznične sezone kupovina. Ime je nastalo u Filadelfiji, gde se koristilo za opisivanje teškog pešačkog i automobilskog saobraćaja i što se dešavalo dan nakon Dana zahvalnosti. Termin je počeo da se ...

Festivals; Thanksgiving

English (EN)potion

Generally a weak restorative item in a game world.

Serbian (SR)napitak

Uopšteno, slab regenerativni predmet u svetu igara.

Video games; Role playing games

English (EN)dribbler

a player who advances the ball while controlling it with his feet.

Serbian (SR)dribler

igrač koji napreduje sa loptom kontrolišući je nogama.

Sports; Soccer

English (EN)out of play

when a ball is outside the boundaries of the field or play has been stopped by the referee.

Serbian (SR)lopta van igre

kada se lopta nađe van granica igrališta, sudija zaustavlja igru.

Sports; Soccer

English (EN)ideology

Set of beliefs and goals of a social or political group that explain or justify the group's decisions and behavior.

Serbian (SR)ideologija

Skup ubeđenja i ciljeva društvene ili političke grupe da objasni ili opravda odluke ili ponašanje grupe.

Government; Government & politics