
Maja Kušan

Zagreb, Croatia

Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Croatian (HR)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Maja’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Maja’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)open system

A system across whose boundaries both matter and energy can pass.

Croatian (HR)otvoreni sustav

Sustav kroz čije granice mogu prolaziti tvar i energija.

Physics; General physics

English (EN)acoustician

A scientist who conducts research into sound and sound waves.

Croatian (HR)akustičar

Znanstvenik koji provodi istraživanja zvuka i zvučnih valova.

Physics; Acoustics

English (EN)malleus

The malleus or hammer is a hammer-shaped small bone or ossicle of the middle ear which connects with the incus and is attached to the inner surface of the eardrum. The word is Latin for hammer.

Croatian (HR)čekić

Čekić (lat. malleus) je malena kost ili koščica u obliku čekića koja se nalazi u srednjem uhu. Povezana je s nakovnjem (lat. incus) i pričvršćena za unutarnju površinu bubnjića. Riječ "malleus" na latinskom znači "čekić".

Anatomy; Human body

English (EN)electron

A subatomic particle with a net charge that is negative.

Croatian (HR)elektron

Subatomska čestica čiji je ukupni električni naboj negativan.

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)endothermy

Capacity to maintain body temperature by the metobolic generation of heat.

Croatian (HR)toplokrvnost

Sposobnost održavanja tjelesne temperature metaboličkom proizvodnjom topline.

Zoology; Zoological terms

English (EN)oxygen

Element 8, atomic weight 15.9994, a colorless, odorless gas that makes up about 1/5 of the earth's atmosphere and (in combined form) 8/9ths of earth's oceans and almost half of the earth's crust. The name is derived from the French oxygène, which means "acid ...

Croatian (HR)kisik

Element broj 8, atomske mase 15,9994, bezbojan plin bez mirisa koji čini oko 1/5 Zemljine atmosfere te (u kombiniranom obliku)8/9 Zemljinih oceana i gotovo polovinu Zemljine kore. Naziv dolazi od francuskog oxygène, što znači \"onaj koji stvara ...

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)guanine

One of the nitrogenous bases in nucleic acids, guanine is one of the two purine bases.

Croatian (HR)gvanin

Jedna od dušikovih baza u nukleinskim kiselinama; gvanin je jedna od dvije purinske baze.

Biology; General

English (EN)electromagnetic force

One of four fundamental forces; the force of attraction or repulsion between two charged particles.

Croatian (HR)elektromagnetska sila

Jedna od četiri temeljne sile; sila privlačnosti ili odbijanja između dvije nabijene čestice.

Physics; General physics

English (EN)corrosion

Corrosion is a reaction that involves action of an oxidizing agent on a metal. The oxidizing agent is often oxygen dissolved in water. See How Iron Rusts for examples.

Croatian (HR)korozija

Korozija je reakcija koja podrazumijeva djelovanje oksidirajućeg sredstva na metal. Oksidirajuće sredstvo često je kisik otopljen u vodi. Vidi Kako željezo hrđa za primjere.

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)feces

The indigestible waste that an animal expells from its digestive tract.

Croatian (HR)izmet

Neprobavljive otpadne tvari koje životinja izbacuje iz svog probavnog sustava.

Zoology; Zoological terms