
Neja Strukelj

London, United Kingdom

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Translate To: Slovenian (SL)


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Terms Translated

Neja’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Neja’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)2-part cup

A 2-part cup is where the cup is made with 2 panels of fabric that are sewn together. Bra cups with seams such as this are always more supportive than bra cups without seams.

Slovenian (SL)dvopanelna košarica

Košarica, ki sestoji iz dveh skupaj sešitih vstavkov tkanine. Košarice modrčkov narejene iz večih vstavkov tkanine nudijo boljšo podporo prsi.

Apparel; Underwear

English (EN)gastroesophageal reflux (GER)

A condition where the contents of the stomach regurgitates (or backs up) into the esophagus (food pipe), causing discomfort.

Slovenian (SL)gastroezofagealni refluks (GER)

Stanje, ko oseba izbljuva (oziroma zavrne) vsebino želodca v požiralnik, ter ki povzroča neugodje.

Health care; Women’s health

English (EN)linguistic relativity hypothesis

A proposition that language acts as a mental filter, shaping the way we see the world.

Slovenian (SL)jezikovno relativistična predpostavka

Predpostavka, ki trdi, da jezik na posameznika deluje kot psihološki filter, ki oblikuje njegov pogled na svet.

Sociology; General sociology

English (EN)Mcdonaldization

The process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant have come to dominate certain sectors of society, both in the United States and throughout the world.

Slovenian (SL)McDonaldizacija

Proces, preko katerega so osnovna načela restavracij s hitro hitro prehrano pričela zasedati vodilno mesto znotraj določenih družbenih skupin, tako v ZDA kot v preostalih delih sveta.

Sociology; General sociology

English (EN)participation democracy

A system of democracy in which all members of a group or community participate collectively in major decisions.

Slovenian (SL)participatorna demokracija

Demokratični sistem, ki članom neke skupnosti omogoča kolektivno sodelovanje v procesu sprejemanja odločitev.

Sociology; General sociology

English (EN)muse

A source of inspiration, a guiding genius.

Slovenian (SL)muza

Vir navdiha oziroma nekaj, kar pomaga izražati talent.

Literature; Poetry

English (EN)imagery

The elements in a literary work used to evoke mental images, not only of the visual sense, but of sensation and emotion as well. While most commonly used in reference to figurative language, imagery is a variable term which can apply to any and all components ...

Slovenian (SL)podobe

Elementi literarnih del, ki se uporablja za zbujanje mentalnih podob, ne samo vizualnih občutkov, ampak tudi čutov ter čustev. Medtem ko se najpogosteje uporabljajo v figurativnem jeziku, so posnetki spremenljivo izraz, ki se lahko uporablja za vse komponente ...

Literature; Poetry

English (EN)sheath

A dress that features a figure-hugging silhouette with a defined waist (no belt or waistband).

Slovenian (SL)oprijeta ženska obeka

Obleka, za katero je značilna oblika, ki poudari žensko silhueto in ženski pas (in ki se ne nosi s pasom).

Apparel; Skirts & dresses

English (EN)staff association

A staff association is equivalent to a company union, but it usually doesn't have powers of collective bargaining on pay, benefits and conditions of employment. A staff association often has the function of organizing social activities for the company ...

Slovenian (SL)združenje zaposlenih

Gre za združenje, ki je po svojem delovanju podobno sindikatu, vendar običajno ne razpolaga s pravico do kolektivne pogodbe. Ena izmed osrednjih dejavnosti združenja zaposlenih je običajno organizacija družabnih aktivnosti za zaposlene v podjetju.

Business administration; Business management

English (EN)biopsy

A procedure in which a tiny piece of a body part, such as the kidney or bladder, is removed for examination under a microscope.

Slovenian (SL)biopsija

Postopek, tekom katerega se droben kos dela telesa, kot na primer ledvic ali mehurja, odstrani za pregled pod mikroskopom.

Health care; Pharmacy