


Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Malay (MS)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

rozmi’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent rozmi’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)reconfirm

To confirm or recheck once more, especially to establish or support more concretely.

Malay (MS)pengesahan semula

Untuk mengesahkan atau periksa sekali lagi, terutama untuk menubuhkan atau sokongan yang lebih kukuh.

Travel; Air travel

English (EN)discrimination

The favoring of one group of people to the detriment of others.

Malay (MS)diskriminasi

Memihak kepada satu kumpulan orang sehingga merugikan orang lain.

Business services; Human resources

English (EN)learning objectives

(Learning Objective) Statement that identifies what learners need to learn, i.e., know and do (abilities, skills, behaviors) as a result of a learning intervention.

Malay (MS)objektif pembelajaran

(Learning Objective) Statement that identifies what learners need to learn, i.e., know and do (abilities, skills, behaviors) as a result of a learning intervention.

Education; Teaching

English (EN)ballet

A form of dance that tells a story.

Malay (MS)balet

Bentuk tarian yang menceritakan sebuah cerita.

Drama; Opera

English (EN)references

1) Commonly used source of information on a topic; see also resource. 2) Documentation of sources referred to in a written document.

Malay (MS)Rujukan

1) Biasanya digunakan sumber maklumat mengenai sesuatu topik; lihat juga sumber. 2) Dokumentasi sumber yang disebut dalam dokumen bertulis.

Education; Teaching

English (EN)negotiation

The process of discussion with a view to mutual settlement usually by the means of a conference.

Malay (MS)rundingan

Proses perbincangan dengan tujuan untuk penyelesaian bersama biasanya dicapai dengan cara-cara persidangan.

Business services; Human resources

English (EN)oscillate

oscillate, is swing back, and forth, noun is oscillation, shake back and forth/ahead

Malay (MS)berayun

oscillate, is swing back, and forth, noun is oscillation, shake back and forth/ahead

Education; SAT vocabulary

English (EN)performance improvement plan

Training plan which encourages constructive discussion between employees and supervisors regarding how work performance can be improved.

Malay (MS)pelan peningkatan prestasi

Pelan latihan pelan yang menggalakkan perbincangan yang membina antara pekerja dan penyelia mengenai bagaimana prestasi kerja boleh diperbaiki.

Business services; Human resources

English (EN)employee participation

A general situation or specific communication mechanisms that allows employees to participate in the decision-making and operations of an organization. E.g. on-line forum, feedback meetings.

Malay (MS)penyertaan pekerja

Situasi komunikasi am atau mekanisme khusus yang membolehkan pekerja untuk mengambil bahagian dalam membuat keputusan dan operasi sesebuah organisasi. Contohnya forum di talian, mesyuarat maklum balas.

Communication; Corporate communications

English (EN)actor

A person who usually speaks his or her role in a production.

Malay (MS)pelakon

Seseorang yang biasanya bercakap atau berperanan dalam sesuatu penerbitan.

Drama; Opera