
Marijana Dojčinović

Belgrade, Serbia

Translate From: English (EN)

Translate To: Serbian (SR)


Words Translated


Terms Translated

Marijana’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Marijana’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)social darwinism

Social Darwinism refers to the idea that competition spurs growth in groups, societies, and cultures. The survival of the fittest is one idea of social Darwinism.

Serbian (SR)socijal-darvinizam

Socijal- darvnizam se odnosi na ideju tamičarskog podsticaja u grupama, društvima i kulturama. Opstanak najspremnijeg je ideja socijal- darvinizma.

Culture; Social media

English (EN)symposium

A public presentation in which several people present prepared speeches on different aspects of the same topic.

Serbian (SR)simpozijum

Javna prezentacija u kojoj nekoliko osoba predstavlja pripremljene govore iz različitih aspekata na istu temu.

Language; Public speaking

English (EN)virtual universities

Institutions of higher education that do not have a physical location but offer courses via online learning.

Serbian (SR)virtuelni univerziteti

Institucije visokog obrazovanja koje ne moraju imati fizičku lokaciju, ali koje nude kurseve putem onlajn učenja.

Education; Teaching

English (EN)inverse functions

Functions and g are inverse functions if and only if ''f(g(x)) = g(f(x)) =x'' for all numbers x in the domains of both f and 9.

Serbian (SR)inverzne funkcije

Funkcije i g su inverzne funkcije ako i samo ako je \"f ( g (x )) = g ( f (x)) = x Za sve vrednosti x u oblasti funkcija f i g.

Mathematics; Algebra

English (EN)dramaturgical approach

A view of social interaction, popularized by Erving Goffman, under which people are examined as if they were theatrical performers.

Serbian (SR)dramaturški pistup

Gledište društvene interakcije, koju je popularizovao Ervin Gofman, pod kojom se ljudi ispituju kao da su pozorišni izvođači.

Sociology; General sociology

English (EN)American Chemical Society ACS.

A large and influential professional society for professionals and students in chemistry and related fields.

Serbian (SR)Americko Hemijsko Drustvo

Veliko i uticajno profesionalno drustvo za profesionalce i studente hemije i slicnih oblasti.

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)hyperlinks

Links created in electronic documents (typically on webpages) that allow a person to access another document simply by clicking the text or image; text hyperlinks are generally underlined and often blue.

Serbian (SR)hiperveze

Linkovi kreirani u elektronskim dokumentima ( obično na veb stranama) koji dozvoljavaju osobi pristup drugom dokumentu samo klikom na tekst ili sliku; tekstualni hiperlinkovi su obično povučeni i često plave boje.

Education; Teaching

English (EN)polymerize

To link smaller molecules together to form a larger molecule.

Serbian (SR)polimerizovati

Povezati male molekule zajedno kako bi formirali veći molekul.

Chemistry; General chemistry

English (EN)subculture

A regional, social, or ethnic group that is distinguishable from other groups in a society. Members of a subculture often share a common identity, food tradition, dialect or language, and other cultural traits that come from their common ancestral background ...

Serbian (SR)subkultura

Regionalna, društvena ili etnička grupa koja se razlikuje od ostalih grupa u društvu. Članovi sbkulure često dele zajednički identitet, tradiciju pripremanja hran, dijalekat ili jezik i druge kulturne vrednosti koje dolaze iz njihove zajedničke pozadine ...

Anthropology; Cultural anthropology

English (EN)language development

A process starting early in human life, when a person begins to acquire language by learning it as it is spoken and by mimicry.

Serbian (SR)razvoj jezika

Postupak koji počinje rano u ljudskom životu kada osoba počinje da usvaja jezik učenjem istog kao što se govori i mimikom.

Language; Grammar