
Akmal Xushvaqov

Samarkand, Uzbekistan

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Terms Translated

Akmal’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent Akmal’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)notes

Notes are like mini-blogs for your profile. Visit Help Center to learn more.

Uzbek (UZ)qaydlar

"Qaydlar" profilingiz uchun mini-bloglarga o‘xshagan narsa. Batafsil ma’lumot olish uchun "Qo‘llab-quvvatlash markazi"ga kiring.

Internet; Social media

English (EN)Internet

The Internet is the network that links computers to one another, allowing them to communicate with the same language. Originally created by the U.S. Department of Defense, the Internet has become a way of life in the modern world.

Uzbek (UZ)Internet

Internet - kompyuterlarning birini boshqasiga bog‘lovchi, ularni bir tilda bir-biri bilan bog‘lanishiga ruxsat beradigan tarmoq. Birinchi marta AQSH Himoya Departamenti tomonidan yaratilgan. Internet zamonaviy dunyoda hayotning bir qismiga aylanib ...


English (EN)what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG)

Pronounced wiz·zy·wig (wĭz'ē-wĭg).  The term relates to an HTML editor, word processor, or desktop publishing system that is designed to show you on screen exactly what will be displayed when a document is printed or viewed online.

Uzbek (UZ)ko‘rganingizni olasiz (what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG))

wiz·zy·wig (wĭz'ē-wĭg) shaklida talaffuz qilinadi. Atama HTML tahrirlagich, so‘z bilan ishlash jarayoni yoki kompyuterda e’lon qilish tizimiga aloqador. U hujjatda nima chop qilinishini yoki onlayn ko‘rilanganda ekranda mavjud bo‘lishi uchun ...

Internet; Social media

English (EN)highlights

Featured photos, events, notes and more that you don't want to miss. Stories are chosen based on what your friends have interacted with.  Tour the new Facebook homepage to see the where Highlights are located on the profile.

Uzbek (UZ)ajratib ko‘rsatishlar

Fotosuratlar, tadbirlar, yozuvlar va boshqa ko‘pgina siz o‘tkazib yuborishni xohlamagan narsalarning xususiyati Do‘stlarigiz siz bilan o‘zaro yozishganlariga asoslanib tanlangan hikoyalar.Profilingizda joylashgan Ajratib ko‘rsatishlarni ko‘rish uchun yangi ...

Internet; Social media

English (EN)officer

Honorary appointment. Group admins can add officers to a group. Other than holding a title, officers have no additional privileges beyond regular members.  They do not have admin authority.

Uzbek (UZ)ofitser

Faxriy lavozim. Guruh administratorlari ofitserlarni guruhga qo‘shishlari mumkin. Nomlaridan boshqa, ofitserlar doimiy a’zolardan ko‘ra qo‘shimcha imtiyozlarga ega emas. Ular administrator huquqiga ham ega emas.

Internet; Social media

English (EN)change history

In a shared workbook, information that is maintained about changes made in past editing sessions. The information includes the name of the person who made each change, when the change was made, and what data was changed.

Uzbek (UZ)o‘zgartirish tarixi

so‘nggi tahrirlash seanslariga asoslangan o‘zgartirishlar haqidagi ulashilgan ish kitobidagi ma’lumot. Ma’lumotga har bir ozgartirishni amalga oshirigan shaxs ismi, o‘zgartirish vaqti va o‘zgartirigan ma’lumotlar ham qo‘shiladi.

Software; Accounting software

English (EN)transition

A visual effect used on an LED display to change from one message to another.

Uzbek (UZ)o‘tish oralig‘i

LED ekranlarda bir xabardan ikkinchi xabarga o‘tishda foydalaniladigan vizual effekt.

Advertising; Billboard advertising

English (EN)Cookie

A piece of data that a website -- or a third party that was commissioned or approved by the website -- saves on users' hard drives and retrieves when the users revisit that site. Some cookies may use a unique identifier that links to information such as login ...

Uzbek (UZ)Kuki

Uchinchi tomon foydalanish uchun ishlab chiqqan, sayt tomonidan ruxsat berilgan - foydalanuvchining qattiq diskida saqlanadigan va foydalanuvchilar o‘sha saytga qayta kirganda foydalaniladigan vebsahifaga tegishli ma’lumot qismi. Ba’zi kukilar login yoki ...

Software; Anti virus

English (EN)hp

Hit points, or health points. In video games, a measure of how much health your character has left. Used usually in plural.

Uzbek (UZ)hp

Zararlanish yoki sog‘liq ko‘rsatkichlari Video o‘yinlarda qahramoningining sog‘lig‘ini (jonini) ko‘rsatuvchi daraja. Odatda ko‘plikda ishlatiladi.

Video games; Software development

English (EN)Latency

Latency is a measure of time delay in a computer or other systems.

Uzbek (UZ)Kutish vaqti

Kutish vaqti - kompyuter yoki boshqa tizimlardagi kechikish vaqti o‘lchovi.

Computer; Laptops