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viviennecw’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent viviennecw’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)sonata

Instrumental genre in several movements for soloist or small ensemble.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)奏鳴曲

一種有好幾個樂章的獨奏或合奏的 器樂曲

Music; General music

English (EN)movement

Complete, self-contained part within a larger musical work.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)樂章


Music; General music

English (EN)morality play

Medieval drama, often with music, intended to teach proper values.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)道德劇


Music; General music

English (EN)single

Denotes an unmarried male or female of marriageable age.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)單身


Culture; People

English (EN)gavotte

Duple meter Baroque dance type of a pastoral character.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)嘉禾舞曲

一種二倍拍, 具有田園風的巴洛克舞曲

Music; General music

English (EN)nocturne

Night piece; common in the nineteenth century, often for piano.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)夜曲


Music; General music

English (EN)aria

A vocal piece for solo singer and orchestra, generally in an opera, cantata, or oratorio.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)詠嘆調


Music; Classical

English (EN)modulation

The process of changing from one key to another.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)轉調


Music; General music

English (EN)good morning

Good morning denotes a ‎conventionally used expression of greeting when two people or more ‎meet during the day ‎time.‎

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)早安


Culture; People

English (EN)castrato

Male singer who was castrated during boyhood to preserve the soprano or alto vocal register, prominent in seventeenth and early eighteenth century opera.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)閹歌手

男性歌者在孩童時代被閹割以保持類似女聲般的童聲 十七,十八世紀的歌劇中有很多這樣的歌者

Music; General music