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Terms Translated

viviennecw’s Selected Translation Work

Terms and text shown below represent viviennecw’s contributions to TermWiki.com, a free terminology website and knowledge resource for the translation community.

English (EN)flat sign

Musical symbol (b) that indicates lowering a pitch by a semitone.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)降記號


Music; General music

English (EN)sharp

A symbol indicating the note is to be raised by one semitone.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)升記號


Music; Classical

English (EN)interlude

Music played between sections of a musical or dramatic work.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)間奏曲


Music; General music

English (EN)aria

A vocal piece for solo singer and orchestra, generally in an opera, cantata, or oratorio.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)詠嘆調


Music; Classical

English (EN)Lied

German for "song"; most commonly associated with the solo art song of the nineteenth century, usually accompanied by piano.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)德國藝術歌曲


Music; General music

English (EN)sacred music

Religious or spiritual music, for church or devotional use.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)聖樂


Music; General music

English (EN)castrato

Male singer who was castrated during boyhood to preserve the soprano or alto vocal register, prominent in seventeenth and early eighteenth century opera.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)閹歌手

男性歌者在孩童時代被閹割以保持類似女聲般的童聲 十七,十八世紀的歌劇中有很多這樣的歌者

Music; General music

English (EN)relative key

The major and minor key that share the same key signature; for example, D minor is the relative minor of F major, both having one flat.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)關係調

共有同一個調號的大小調,例如D小調是F大調的關係調, 因為它們同有一個降號

Music; General music

English (EN)sonata

Instrumental genre in several movements for soloist or small ensemble.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)奏鳴曲

一種有好幾個樂章的獨奏或合奏的 器樂曲

Music; General music

English (EN)four-hand piano music

Chamber music genre for two performers playing at one or occasionally two pianos, allowing home or salon performances of orchestral arrangements.

Chinese, Traditional (ZT)四手聯彈曲

一種由兩位演奏者,兩雙手同時在一台或兩台鋼琴上彈奏的演奏型態, 使得管弦樂改編曲得以在家裡或沙龍演奏

Music; General music